Are Mangoes Safe To Consume During Pregnancy?

When you’re pregnant, there will be a million things on your mind in order to take care of yourself and your growing unborn child. During your pregnancy, you may hear a lot of people telling you to do or not do things. One such advice is that you should refrain from consuming mangoes during pregnancy.

Can Pregnant Women Eat Mango?

during your pregnancy, you may crave for spicy and sour foods. If you’re carrying during the summer months, the craving becomes difficult with mangoes around the season. So, the big question is are mangoes safe to consume? Or do you really need to avoid it?


Nutrients InNutrients In Mango

  • Mango contains flavonoids alpha-carotene, beta carotene, and beta cryptoxanthin
  • It is rich in prebiotic fiber
  • Mangoes are rich in vitamin C, which is a very important antioxidant for the body
  • It also has folate and copper and contains a considerable amount of potassium too
  • Mangoes are not high in sodium, therefore, making them a great blend of minerals

How Do The Vitamins And Minerals Help During Pregnancy?

1. Vitamin A

A great source of vitamin A, mangoes help in:

  • Vitamin A aids in vision development
  • It strengthens the immune system
  • It helps in maintaining a healthy mucous membrane and skin
  • The carotene content in mangoes prevents various diseases
  • Vitamin A helps in the embryonic growth of the fetus
  • It plays an important role in development of heart, lungs, kidneys, bones and eyes

2. Fiber

The fiber content in mangoes keeps you full for a longer duration.

  • It maintains the digestive system
  • Consuming fiber-rich foods like mangoes help in relieving constipation during pregnancy
  • It helps maintain blood pressure levels

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a very powerful antioxidant.

  • It increases your resistance against harmful agents
  • It eradicates oxygen free radicals thereby preventing degenerative diseases such as cancer
  • Vitamin C supports cognitive and neurological functions
  • It helps in collagen formation and wound healing
  • It helps in dental health in both you and your unborn baby
  • Vitamin c helps in absorption of iron in the body and pregnant women need this more so
  • It helps in tissue repair, bone growth, and formation of healthy skin

4. Potassium

It helps control heart rate and blood pressure.

  • As your pregnancy progresses, your body would need extra minerals
  • Potassium helps in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in the body
  • It maintains muscle contractions and helps in sending nerve impulses
  • It also relieves pregnancy cramps

5. Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 plays a role in cognitive development and maintaining normal nerve function.

  • It also helps in developing and maintaining the immune system.
  • Vitamin B6 helps relieve you from morning sickness and nausea, a common pregnancy symptom
  • It also the aids in formation of red blood cells and neurotransmitters

6. Copper

Copper is an important nutrient needed for blood cell formation.

  • The requirement of this trace mineral increases as your pregnancy progresses because the blood supply is more during pregnancy
  • It helps in the formation of various important organs like heart, skeletal system, and blood vessels
  • It also maintains the bone health of the pregnant mother

7. Folate

Folate plays a major role during pregnancy, most doctors give folate supplements to pregnant women.

  • Deficiency of folate in the baby may lead to brain and spinal cord defects in the baby
  • Folate helps in the formation of red blood cells and DNA in your baby
  • It also helps in the functioning of the cardiac system

Are Mangoes Safe To Consume During Pregnancy?

There might be many people telling you to refrain from eating mangoes due to different reasons. But as seen above, mangoes have great nutritional benefits that are reason enough for you to consume them during pregnancy. However, it is best if you consult your doctor before you eat anything as pregnancy is a very delicate matter.


Mangoes In Late Pregnancy

The last trimester of your pregnancy is a crucial stage and thus you should be cautious before eating anything. Over intake of mango fruit can sometimes lead to gestational diabetes. Also, if there is any family history of allergies to mangoes, do not consume it. Watch for any signs or discomfort and in the case of any side effects, consult your doctor immediately.

Unripe Mangoes In Late Pregnancy

Even from olden days, it is advised, pregnant women need to stay away from unripe mangoes during the last trimester of pregnancy. Mango is a warm fruit, therefore it is best advised to stay away from achaar as it can cause bleeding.


Ripe Or Unripe Mangoes During Pregnancy

It is safe to consume both ripe and unripe mangoes during pregnancy. The ripened mango contains natural sugars which can act as an alternative to desserts. Also, ripe mangoes aid in digestion and improve complexion.

On the other hand, unripe mangoes contain vitamins. It helps in curing constipation, fighting acidity, and morning sickness.


How To Check For Toxins While Buying Mangoes?

It is difficult to say if the mangoes are naturally or artificially ripened. Here are a few tips to get rid of the toxins if any.

Wash the mangoes well before consuming. Washing with water helps get rid of any residual chemicals that may prevail on the mangoes. This also prevents any cross-contamination and keeps the fridge clean.

Peel the skin before you eat the fruit.

Wash your hands clean after you clean the mangoes, make sure you also clean the knife and cutting board.

Buy unripe mangoes and let them ripe at home. This will reduce the chance of the fruit getting contaminated by calcium carbide.


Keep an eye on the quantity and quality of the mangoes you eat. It is safe to eat mangoes during pregnancy as long as you maintain the health and hygiene aspects in consuming the fruit. However, do consult your doctor once and make sure you have no family history of allergies to mangoes.