7 Warning Signs You Can’t Ignore During Early Pregnancy

Congratulations! The journey of your pregnancy has begun. You are already feeling excited as well as anxious. If it is your first time, you would probably experience a plethora of emotions, apart from the physical changes in your body.

The first trimester is the time you closely monitor your pregnancy symptoms. Nausea, morning sickness, and slight vaginal discharge are some evident ones. But, in some cases, these little signs could be pointing towards a larger problem. Keep an eye for these 7 warning sign your body might be giving out, and consult your doctor in case you feel discomfort.


1. Vaginal Bleeding

Spotting during early pregnancy isn’t unusual—a few drops of blood could be due to hormonal changes, intercourse during pregnancy, implantation of the egg in the uterus, or an infection.

When To Worry: Bleeding and cramps as experienced during your periods accompanied by sharp lower abdominal pain could be dangerous—a sign of ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage. Your doctor will carry out an examination along with an ultrasound and a blood test to find out the cause.


2. High Temperature

A high fever (usually more than 101 degrees Fahrenheit) could mean an infection. Since moms are more prone to flu-related complications during pregnancy, flu vaccinations are recommended by doctors.

When To Worry: Call your doctor if you feel feverish. Fever accompanied by rashes and joint pain could possibly be due to infections, which may become a leading cause of birth defects if left untreated.


3. Pain And Burning Sensation During Urination

These could be sure signs of bladder or urinary tract infections. If not attended to, it can turn into a serious infection causing preterm labor and premature births.

When To Worry: Consult your healthcare provider. They will take your urine sample and determine whether you are suffering from an infection. Accordingly, they will provide medication that is safe for your baby.


4. Excess Nausea And Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are common pregnancy symptoms every other mom goes through. But, feeling the urge to vomit or throwing up more often could cause dehydration.

When To Worry: If these symptoms are interfering with your daily activities—causing dehydration, dizziness, loss of appetite, weakness, and weight loss, it’s time to seek medical advice.


5. Vaginal Discomfort

Vaginal discharge and itching are also common during pregnancy. However, these may even be pointing towards an infection or a sexually transmitted disease.

When To Worry: Don’t hesitate to go to your doctor if your vaginal discharge is colored or smells unusual. This could be vaginal thrush, which can be treated easily. Left untreated, it can even pass on to your baby during birth.


6. Swelling Or Pain On One Side Of The Body

Moms know about the kind of swelling that arises in the feet and ankles during pregnancy. However, pain in the leg, calf area along with swelling could mean a blood clot.

When To Worry: If you have a history of blood clots, it is better to inform your midwife or doctor beforehand. Pregnant women have higher risks of having blood clots. Other risk factors like preeclampsia might come into play if the swelling occurs all of a sudden.


7. Symptoms Of Pre-Existing Medical Condition

Your doctor should know about your health history, as well as family records of medical conditions like high blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, thyroid disease. If any familiar symptoms show up, the drugs that your doctor will prescribe will be in accordance with your medical history and that are safe for your baby.

When To Worry: If you notice the symptoms of any previous illness flaring up, inform your doctor as soon as possible.

Your baby’s health is dependent on yours. If the mother gets ill, the baby is also bound to catch an infection. Ensure that you get a good prenatal care—eat well, take enough rest, exercise, especially during the first trimester. Don’t hesitate from approaching your doctor if you feel things are not going well.